Barefoot Journals

Downfall of the capitalist empire

Did you like the Home Page video in January? This month there is another Smiths/Sandie collaboration video to watch.

Hope everyone is recovering from the shock of the first signs of Western economic recession! They say this is the beginning of the downfall of the Capitalist Empire. I say there is opportunity in all change. Now we are starting to experience our world as a global community, the impact of our actions on others is becoming more and more apparent. I wonder what the world will be like in 50 years time…

Closer to home, I am wondering what the website will look like this year.

We are already putting some changes into action. The most exciting for me is the prospect of having a multi-lingual facility. I know that foreign visitors would love to be able to browse around in their mother tongue.

The Discography section is also having a make over and tweak. So if you have any sleeves or information that is not already up please let us know.

The Fans Lounge area is still under discussion. I would prefer the content to be more user- generated, but not quite sure if this is viable after that ‘Forum experience’. Stephen had to be heavily sedated with large quantities of Sancerre with all the stress. Anyone out there got any Memorabilia to put up? If so, please send a jpeg.

The uptake on the download tracks facility in The Store has been great so I will be making more tracks available later in the year. So, quite a lot of work going on behind the scenes.

 Meanwhile I have just undertaken an exercise training regime. My feet are better now and I want to be fit so I can keep on dancing until the end! I’ve just returned after my first fitness assessment and I just want to go to bed…..
Are you ready for change?

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